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News, announcements and articles related to Papermerge and document management in general

Release 3.4 and What's Next

Release 3.4

Release 3.4 is out 🎉 🎉 🎉!

What's Next?

Here is rough plan of what is going to happen next. First of all, we will update documentation and publish couple of videos with new features.

There are people using 2.0 and 2.1 versions. We will provide scripts and support for migrating away from these versions to the newest one. Once all users will be onboard using newest 3.x we will declare 2.x versions as obsolete.

Once two points above are checked, we will move on with the development of new features as per roadmap: per object access management and group ownership. Both these features will be included in 3.5 and will be shipped in approximately 2-3 months from now. At least that is the plan.

Of course there will be minor releases in between which will include only bug fixes and 3rd party dependencies updates.

Demo Instance is Back

There are couple of announcements here:

  • demo instance is back
  • new landing page
  • new release: 3.3.1

Let's go through above points one by one.

Demo Instance

After several years being down - demo instance is back online 🎉! You can access it at same link:

Username: demo
Password: demo

Demo page instance is reseted every 24 hours. This means that whatever you upload there is erased after maximum 24 hours.

Release 3.3

Release 3.3 is out 🎉 🎉 🎉!

Check latest docker compose setup documentation, there are new sections which include setup examples with S3 Object storage. There is also an example with SOLR search setup.

To start very basic setup use following command:

docker run -p 2025:80 \
    -e PAPERMERGE__AUTH__PASSWORD=happy2025 \
  • Username: admin
  • Password: happy2025
  • URL: http://localhost:2025

Happy new year 🎉 🎉 🎉!

Let's Play With Release 3.3!

We are testing ferociously version of 3.3. It will take some until we hunt down major bugs.

You can help! Start messing around with it right now. See how it feels like! Open bugs, report issues with documentation. Give us feedback.

Start docker container with basic webapp using following command:


After long and fun development, release 3.3 is almost ready to go out. Version 3.3 will be officially released in mid November 2024. It will feature custom fields per document type. Besides view of the custom fields inside document viewer, user will be able to list ALL documents of specific document type along with their custom fields (thus user will be able to sort/filter by custom fields).

The plan for subsequent releases is following:

  • Demo page will come back in November 2024
  • web page will be fully updated in November 2024 as well
  • Version 3.4 will be out in December 2024 and it will include documents/folder sharing between users and user groups

of course documentation for version 3.3 with setup guides will be updated. Here is a quick preview of how 3.3 will look like.

quick preview

In case you are wondering what was happening since April 2024 (when 3.2 was out) until today (October 2024): I've re-written frontend almost from scratch!

If you are not interested in very technical jargon, you can stop reading now, because what will follow is intended only for tech nerds. Thank you for reading this blog post so far. Bye.

So, dear nerd, as I said above - I was re-writing whole frontend. To be exact: now papermerge frontend is Vite + React + TypeScript + Redux Toolkit + Mantine stack application.

Everybody knows what first four entities are.

But what is Mantine?

Mantine is this, awesome, fantastic - reactive UI library.

Now, that I have plenty of time - Papermerge development is full speed again. Last time when it was full time developing it was back in 2020.

OIDC Support is Here

Release 3.2 is out!

It adds support for three important:

  1. authorization via granular permissions
  2. oidc authentication
  3. remote user authentication

Authorization via Granular Permissions

Now each user can be assigned a set of permissions (direct or via Groups). This is a way of limiting scopes of actions user can perform. For example you may not want any user to be able to manage groups or view all Papermerge accounts.

OIDC Authentication

OIDC is abbreviation for Auth2.0/OpenID Connect. In previous release we've added support for two specific OIDC provider GitHub and Google. In this release we've came with generalized approach - now you can use any OIDC provider. We've tests OIDC support with Keycloak and Authentik.

Remote User Authentication

We've added yet another way of external authenticating via so called "Remote User" header. Remote user authentication was tested with Authelia.


3.1 Release

The most important part of release 3.1 are the the support of OpenLDAP and OAuth2 (Google and Github providers) authetication.


  • Support of OAuth2 authentication with Google and GitHub providers
  • Support for OpenLDAP (RFC 4510) authentication
  • Support for node's custom IDs Issue#325
  • Exclude document from OCR Issue#598


  • Getting '500 - Internal Server Error' when patching node tags Issue#326
  • papermerge-cli import option --delete without any function Issue#592

The documentation for authentication part is here.

3.0.3 Release

Release 3.0.3 is a minor release which contains mostly bug fixes:


  • Logging out doesn't bring up log in dialogue Issue#574
  • Ship spa, ita, fra, ron and por OCR languages data in docker image Issue#586
  • Fix throws an error Issue#314
  • Empty Folder on Second Page Issue#584
  • Include Dutch language OCR data in default docker image
  • Add Gujrati, Hindi and Sanskrit language codes Issue#583


  • [UI] Context Missing "Extract Pages" entry Issue#564

3.0.2 Release

Release 3.0.2 is a minor release which contains only bug fixes:

  • Fix create_user to work with MySql/MariaDB/sqlite3 Issue#579
  • Fix Error / Internal Server Error Issue#581
  • Fix Error thrown after successful login Issue#307
  • Fix wrong download URL for document version in viewer
  • Fix nodes pagination (num_pages int rounded up instead of down)

Papermerge 3.0.1 Release

I am happy to announce the release of version 3.0.1.

Among other things, this release fixes major issue related to DB connections. Let me provide short description of the problem. The access to specific REST API endpoints was leaving DB connection open. The problem is that open DB connection were accumulating up to the point (which depends on specific DB configuration) when DB was refusing to accept more DB connections, which resulted of course to the whole app going offline.

The root course of the problem is Django ORM and the way it handles DB connections. To mitigate the issue, we've decided start moving away from Django ORM to SQLAlchemy. Of course full transition to new ORM will span many releases, but the main point here is that for end users this transition is fully opaque.